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CrossFit Gym in Park Ridge, NJ

Park Ridge, NJ's Gym for High-Powered Leaders in Business or at Home

FROM THE BOARDROOM TO THE BOX. The hustle never stops. Responsibility weighs heavy on your shoulders. You’re forever making decisions. Rallying the troops.

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CrossFit Ignite is a tool to maximize your potential OUTSIDE the gym. You’ll walk out these doors a stronger, more confident person than when you came in – empowered and capable to deal with the shit in your life.


This might shock you, but my measuring stick is NOT how heavy you lift or how fast you run. You succeed when you become a better boss, parent, spouse, friend, or coworker. We don’t just build muscles, we build discipline and healthy habits, turning you into the person you’ve always wanted to be.


Sweating it out in the gym exposes the roots of those unhealthy behaviors always pulling you back down. Anger, overeating, depression, anxiety, addiction, whatever. Together we’ll uproot every one of those and get you real freedom. My coaches and I challenge you to face those habits head-on, and we fight alongside you to overcome them.

Getting Started Is Easy


Book your free trial

We want to hear your fitness goals, assess a good starting point, and even let you try out a class for free!


Choose your gym membership

Get guidance tailored to your body and progress consistently. We will guide you every step of the way.


Get in the best shape of your life

Getting fit is hard; staying fit is harder. We're here to ensure you build healthy habits and systems that keep you on the right track.

A community that will keep you going

CrossFit Ignite is about all about maximizing your potential OUTSIDE the gym. Unlike the big box gym down the street, we care about practically equipping you for LIFE, not just PRing your bench press.
We come alongside your mountain of responsibilities and equip you to carry them.
We work with your schedule to build in a quick, hour-long break to reset your mind and then send you out with fresh perspective and support.
We surround you with positive, like-minded people who get what you’re going through and offer new ideas and networking opportunities.
Our workouts directly correlate to the daily stresses you face at work and at home. Adapting, how to think under pressure, maintaining control of your mind, believing in yourself.
Our standard for success is not lifting heavier or running faster, though you better believe we celebrate those wins BIG! But if those accomplishments don’t translate to you becoming a better parent, spouse, boss, friend, etc. – then we’ve not done our job.
This gym is a tool to use to impact and transform your loved ones, your career, and your community.
CrossFit Ignite doesn’t just build muscles. We build discipline, habits, and healthy behaviors you take back to work and home.
When you crush that workout, you gain the courage to go out and crush that business meeting.
When you suddenly squat a weight you only ever dreamed of, you can navigate that difficult conversation with confidence.
When you finally start seeing that fat loss, you know without a doubt you can overcome anything you set your mind to.
Our results don’t end in the gym. They go home with you and change everything about your life.
Other gyms focus on sculpting a perfect body - often at the expense of mental health.
At CrossFit Ignite, we’re not in the business of handing out bandaids. We do fitness holistically.
There’s a reason you keep getting pulled back into those unhealthy habits. Maybe it’s anger, overeating, depression, low self-esteem, or anxiety.
When you reach your limit in the gym, those unhealthy behaviors tend to surface. Instead of ignoring them, we lean in and dig them out.
My team and I always challenge you to face that issue, look it in the face, and DO something about it. Otherwise, we’d be selling you short – like giving you a bandaid for your broken leg.
And when you deal with those root issues, you become a brand new person, finally free of the crap that’s been holding you back.
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(Select Location)

Conveniently located in the center of Park Ridge right of Park Ave.

33 S Maple Ave, Park Ridge, NJ 07656, USA

Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. CrossFit IGNITE is located and easily accessible from all of Park Ridge.

Trusted and Loved By Hundreds of Park Ridge, NJ Residents

Questions? We have the answers!